Prevent Litter and Make a Difference!
Buy less and reuse.
Always use a trash can. If you see litter, pick it up and put it in a trash can. Even tiny cigarette butts are toxic! Litter thrown on a city street can flow through a storm drain into a local creek.
Keep garbage and recycling cans tightly covered to prevent litter from being blown away or scattered by foraging animals.
Learn how to dispose different types of trash. Visit Recycle Stuff: How to Recycle Anything in Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties
Clean leaves and trash out of your home’s gutters and your street’s storm drains.
Pick up and put pet waste in the garbage.
Bring extra bags for trash when picnicking, hiking or camping outdoors.
Keep a trash bag in the car. Collect all trash and dispose of it properly.
Cover truck loads with a tarp to prevent anything from falling or blowing off the back.
Never dump anything outside. There are better solutions for any items you may have.
For household hazardous waste, like motor oil, paints and cleaners, contact the Santa Clara County Household Hazardous Waste Program to learn how to dispose of these items properly, at no charge.
Call the Santa Clara Countywide Recycling Hotline at (800) 533-8414 or visit to find out how to dispose of or donate large items and appliances.
Volunteer to organize a creek cleanup with the Valley Water’s Adopt-A-Creek Program.
Join a cleanup event for National River Cleanup Day in May and Coastal Cleanup Day in September